Thursday, November 8, 2012


So here I am! Day 31! I completed my Whole30 and to be very honest it was much easier than I could have ever imagined! I made progress but I still have a long way to go.  I plan on keeping my eating up to the Whole30 standards but I'm going to add in my post workout protein shakes again.  I'm going to use this time to build strength and gain lean muscle!
Here are the results that you have been waiting for.....
Day 1 179# .... I'm sooo embarrased to even be posting that number!
Day 31 170#.... Total loss 9#
For those of you who know me, I STRUGGLE with weight loss.. I can NEVER get the scale to move! I'm very impressed but, still have a long way to go! Thank you again for all the support, couldn't have done it alone!

and now for the pics!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

It's Day 30!!!!

I made it! I made it!!! It's day 30 and I feel AMAZEBALLS!!! Stay tuned and I will post my final update this evening and another tomorrow morning with pictures included! Thanks for all the support on thsi journey of mine!

So, I just ate my last "official" whole30 dinner! Never did I EVER think that I would actually make it this far! I'm soooo amazed with myself.  I didn't cheat, not even once, and for the first time I didn't really want to.  It was honestly the easiest thing to stick to! How strange, the most restrictive thing that I have tried, was the easiest to follow through with.  The food was amazing and I think that helped quite a bit.  I had an AMAZING support group and I couldn't have done it without all of you! I am so grateful for your constant support!

So, I'm not going to weigh myself until tomorrow morning and I'll be taking pictures then too.  I feel great and today was the first day that I felt like my old self again today at the box.  I did a WOD with hang cleans and pullups and I felt efficient again.  I did really well with my pullups and the hang cleans didn't feel overly heavy like the weigh has been feeling lately.
After the WOD I got to meet Isabel from URAWK bars, couldn't try her bars because they have agave but you can bet that I bought some for tomorrow!! I can't wait to try it, everyone was raving about them!

So I'm going to enjoy X-Factor with Dyan and Trent and feel accomplished on my couch!! I'll post the pics and numbers tomorrow .... until then....

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 28! I think I'm going to make it!

Okay so my last post was Thursday.... (yes I am behind) But..... I have a good reason! I had my ETO visit on Friday at work and from what I hear, they were really happy! Thank you Baby Jesus!
I went out to celebrate happy hour and got wasted!!!
HA just kidding!!! Instead I went to the box and took my energy out on some hang cleans, box jumps and HSPU.
So instead of trying to catch you up with food and all of that specifics... I'm going to give you a "general" recap of the weekend.  (I ate mostly leftovers anyway)
Friday - ETO visit.... stressful day at work. After Work I picked up Dyan and we went to the Cube to train with the girls.  We did a quick warm up and jumped right into 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 box jumps 24", Hang power cleans 95# and HSPU.  Dyan did it with us and she actually did kipping HSPU the whole time, never had to scale down to a box!! I started on 1abmat but had to scale to 2.  I'll get better it's one of my goats. 

Saturday was a "rest" day for me because I took Dyan to her Wild West Fest at school.  She had a great time with her friends, playing games, riding rides and eating PURE JUNK! She was on a cheat afternoon.... lol when she is with us, she sticks to whole30 with me.  She likes to eat the healthy foods and loves water!
Saturday after the Fun Fest we watched the Notre Dame Game.... Jesus fighting Irish way to keep me guessing.  I almost pulled out all of my hair.  It was worth it, WE WON 9-0!!!!!

Sunday was Firebreating Sunday! I met up with my buddy Streaky, her boy Jerrett and the WODCity crew and we went H.A.M at Southdade for a Sunday Funday! Tony met up too and we paired up for WOD2.
I had a blast and it was nice to WOD with a different crew, pushed me to go harder because I was out of my comfort zone.  The rest of Sunday, I spent cooking and dreamin' of Thursday (Day31).  I have it all planned out.... I"M GOING TO KNAUS BERRY FARMS!!! perfect way to end the Whole30! I'm also considering keep this blog to talk about my training a little more... what do you think??
Here's to 2 more days!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 24! It's down to the wire

Hey there! so I have been EXTREMELY busy at work and VERY STRESSED.  Sorry I wasn't able to update so I'll try and fill you in now. 
Tuesday was a very strange day for me.  I almost feel like I went into a depression.  I was feeling okay most of the day and I think the stress of work and this ETO visit really got to me.  Breakfast on Tuesday was Bacon and eggs and I had a LARABAR about an hour after that, for my fruit/fats serving.  Wednesday I had an Extremely rushed breakfast of bacon wrapped dates and a LARABAR because my alarm clock didn't go off and I was BEYOND late for work :-/
Tuesday mid-morning is when I started to feel the stress and the depression.  I had people in my room all day telling me what to do to prepare for this visit and how to do it.  I wanted to scream.  Talk about taking your self confidence and flushing it down the toilet.  It's as if I'm incompetent and don't know what I'm doing after teaching for 9 years! Rawr!! Wednesday Morning was a little bit better but the kids were completely wild because it was Halloween! I expect today to be the worst because they are all high on candy overload!
Tuesday lunch was buffalo chicken wraps and I had never been so grateful for that 30 minutes in my life time.  I was actually online searching for jobs during my lunch.... (Anyone hiring? wanna sponsor me as an athlete/coach? anything?) Wednesday lunch was Zucchini spaghetti with meatballs and marinara.  Another pretty delicious treat!
Tuesday after lunch was an uphill battle.  I couldn't wait for the bell to ring and get to the box.  When I finally got there, i ran a mile to blow off some steam before coaching the 4:30 class.  I ran it in 8:20 which is about 40 seconds slower than my best mile but I blame it on the wind... it was like a freaking brick wall! I coached the 4:30 and 5:30- through HEAVY FRAN and then I decided to take her on myself.  What can I say besides, she kicked my ass and wrote down my name?! I felt horrible.  I wanted to cry during the workout because never before had 95# thrusters felt so heavy (well except maybe the first time I did them).  It was a very tough moment for me.  I completed the workout in 10:20 with disgusting pull ups and way too much rest in between thrusters.  But at least I finished right?? I left the box with my head held very low but i silently vowed to myself that no matter what I was going to get back to where I was and better and I Was going to do it NOW! For dinner was Country style ribs with butternut squash.  Trent really enjoyed it.  I liked the butternut squash better than the ribs but I'm not a huge fan of ribs in the first place.  The squash was amazing and I will definitely be making that again. 
Wednesday I didn't go to the box instead we decided to Trick or Treat for time.... 3,2,1 BOO!! It worked and we definitely loaded Dyan up with her fair share of Candy.  It was very very very tempting to just reach in her bag last night and open up a Lil double bubble but I resisted! somehow I didn't do it!
we go home pretty late and I had some buffalo chicken wraps for dinner.  I know I shouldn't have but I also snuck in some dates.  It was Halloween and at least they are Whole30 approved! right?? lol So I have 6 days left not including today and I definitely know I can make it! I don't know if I will be able to resist going to Starbucks on the 8th but I'll try to make it through to the weekend.... NO PROMISES.  I hope you have a great Thursday and I'll be back soon! My dreadful visit is tomorrow.... wish me luck!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 22.... I can see the light :-)

The end is near and I'm beginning to have mental battles as to what I will "celebrate" with. I can't decide if I want Starbucks, a cupcake or Mac and cheese! There are so many choices but just thinking about them makes me feel guilty and I haven't even indulged yet! Maybe my brain is transforming and I really don't miss these things.
So Sunday I did all my cooking for the week. Brand new recipes the only repeat I did was the "famous" buffalo chicken ;-)
New Stuff: creamy shrimp pasta made with zucchini noodles, grilled country ribs with butternut squash, lemon garlic chicken with cauliflower fried rice And for Sunday night dinner we indulged in Gluten Free Crab Cakes :-)
So yesterday I woke up a lil sleepy. Daisy has been sleeping in our room since Oscar left us and last night she woke me up several times whining. I think she just wanted attention but it was quite an inconvenience :-/ She used to be very independent but has become the complete opposite as of late. Woke up with a migraine that I'm sure is a direct result of work. I dragged myself to work and my migraine finally subsided after 1st period. I had a cherry pie Larabar in first period to try and ease the pain. Had bacon and eggs at home for breakfast. Lunch came and I had a leftover crab cake with avocado/basil dressing and the zucchini shrimp pasta. Wasn't a big fan of the sauce so next time I eat it, I'm going to sub marinara sauce.
Finished up my stressful day at work and Trent asked me to pick up Dyan from school. I grabbed her in pinecrest and headed off to the Cube to train. The cube is close to my house and Trent's shop. I had already passed south Dade :-(
I set Dyan up with her homework, I ate my pre-workout dates and warmed myself up. I had trunx strength followed by the Cube's metcon. Dyan ended up joining in on the strength and was able to 5 rep max her backsquats at 35#! Not bad for a 9 year old first time under the bar. I didn't so too badly myself. Went home and decided on lime chicken with cauliflower fried rice for dinner. It wasn't bad. Not making the "favorites" list but I'd make it again. :-) still going strong with my energy and cravings are at a 0!

TMI ALERT. (Ladies only)
My menstrual cycle started 2 days early and I had ZERO PMS symptoms this month. That's super encouraging because I'm usually pretty bad :-)

Make it a great day everyone!!!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

DAY 20!!! 10 days to go!!! OD

So, I usually don't "do" Sundays but Since I'm waiting for my ghee to cook, I figured I'd squeeze in an update.
It's day 20! I'm so edited, I never thought that I would even make it this far, and in all honesty, it's been EASY!!! I have a HUGE support system and that totally helps, but let's be honest, THE FOOD IS GOOD!!
Recap for day 18-19 coming up!
Friday was a teacher work-day but THIS teacher took the day off! Boy did I need it.  With that ETO visit coming up this Friday, everyone is a huge stress-ball.  I try and take confidence in myself, my work and my classroom so that I don't let the stress consume me.  Friday morning when I got up I whipped up some bacon and eggs, I also had a few dates.  Look for "fruit changes" and moderation coming this week.  I cleaned around the house and did some laundry.. overall a productive day.  I had the last of the buffalo chicken wraps before I went to the box and left it all on the floor!
Strength WOD went well and I felt like I was getting some of my strength back.  Did a really fun Wod with Yeline, Tony, Day Day and Jo Jo. I felt like my endurance was a lil weak but nowhere near day 1-9.  It's just something I have to build again but I know it will be back VERY soon! Friday night was spaghetti squash, meatballs and marinara... YUUM! (eating the last of it right now!) Got an incredible night's sleep on Friday night and woke up Saturday ready to take over the world!!
This is the first time I have realized that my mood is just better OVERALL!! I  may be going out on a limb here with a lil TMI... gentlemen feel free to skip the next few sentences, ladies... LISTEN UP...

TMI ALERT*** my period is due in 3 days, and i feel hardly any PMS symptoms!! A lil bloating but I'm usually a HUGE bloater.  I'm not moody and I have ZERO cravings!! I don't know if it's directly related to Whole30 but I'll take it!!

Back to my Saturday...
Got to the box around 11 and was ready for a partner WOD with JoJo... WE killed it! less than 9min..woot woot~ Left for home because I had a lot to do in 3 short hours.... wait a sec... breakfast on Monday was 4 bacon wrapped dates and a LARABAR... apple pie.... if you have not tried these amazing delicious bars you are completely incomplete, no go get one!! I had the apple pie flavor.  I wanted to have the Fruit energy for my morning WOD.
Get home and rush around a bit because at 4 I had to Pick up Dyan for the Rascal Flatts concert! Made myself a lil packed dinner (very impressed with myself) but before I left I had some more spaghetti squash and meatballs!
I picked up Dyan from her mom's and then headed to plantations to pick up my friend Stacy and her mommy... we were having a girl's night! With all passengers safely in my truck we headed for Cruzan. Walking in the gate was worrisome for me because I thought I was going to catch some crap for my Whole30 dinner.  Luckily I didn't, because I was prepared to launch into a whole speech about my "special needs diet" and how NOTHING they were serving was good for
Ghee is almost ready so let me speed up this post...
I packed lettuce wraps filled with bacon and basil avocado spread... can you say delicious? Pretty hard to do with my mouth full but I managed.  Concert was AMAZING, They NEVER disappoint.  Brought the iPad along for a lil ND vs. OK action and boy was I pleased... 8-0 baby!! Love my Fighting Irish!! Got home at 2am and crashed!!! See y'all tomorrow don't wanna burn my Ghee! Homestretch here we come!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 17... oops skipped a day!

Hey there, sorry about yesterday I ended up super busy....
So Tuesday after school, my mom has insisted that I go home and pick up the fed ex package that she sent to me so that it didn't sit out on the porch.  So I ran home because I had to coach at 4:30 and I find my mother parked in the driveway! Apparently she WAS the Fed-Ex. lol It was a great surprise and that's why I've been a lil busy the past two days... This morning I woke up feeling very bloated and full.  I have been feeling this way for about 2 days now and I don't know why =( It's frustrating because I know that I am giving my body the best fuel I can and it's still fighting against me.  Rawr to you, Body!!

Day 15 & 16 recap...
Breakfast on both days was a simple bacon and eggs and some applesauce.  Tuesday was a stressful day of lecturing my classes and attempting not to murder them for the work that they thought was appropriate enough to turn in.  Wednesday flew by for me because I was conferenceing with my kids about their essays and I wasn't able to get through a whole class before the bell was ringing. 
Lunch on Tuesday and Wednesday was kelp noodles! Tuesday I added sweet potato and and apples and Wednesday just the apples.  I really like that dish and I'm actually very proud of myself for trying it!

Tuesday was a FULL day.  After I discovered my mother hiding in my driveway, I wisked her off to the gym with my because I had to coach and train! Coached the 4:30 class and then I did Twisted Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders/ Roman Twists before the 5:30 started.  Coached the 5:30 and when they were finished, I did the WOD myself.  3 rounds 400m run, 50ft walking lunges, 50 BFSU.  Nice cardio and core day.  =)

Wednesday I met mom at home after school and we went to pick up Dyan at her mom's house.  She didn't go to school yesterday.  Then we ran to Target so I could pick up some PJ's for today's PJ day at school and Jo-Anne Fabrics because she's making me some top secret things ;-) Tuesday Night I introduced my mom to the world of WHOLE30! She and I had sausage stuffed portabella mushrooms for dinner.  She said she loved them and asked how to make them.  I felt proud.  Last night was Kelp noodles.  I don't think they are her favorite but I commend her for trying them.  Once she knew it was "kelp" I think she mentally shut down to the idea of liking dinner. I enjoyed having my momma dukes here and letting her into my Whole30 experiement.  I'm so glad she tried it out (even though she bought chocolate and Mt. Dew at publix)! I'm still hanging in there.  Looking forward to my day off tomorrow! Make it a Great Thursday!!